Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016
Kamis, 08 Desember 2016
Top Recommendation For Things To Do In My Town
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh..
Welcome back, guys! ^^
How's life? I hope you are all fine and
hopefully you don't get bored to read my blog. :D
Today, let me tell you about something
that can be useful for you. It is about my recommendation for things to do in
my town.
Since I am from Singkawang, here I will
share what you should do when you go there.
When you were in Singkawang, you should not
miss to go to its tourism objects. Absolutely!
People would agree that Singkawang is the garden of West Kalimantan.
There are many beautiful places in this city. Let say : Palm Beach, Mimi Land, Tanjung
Bajau, Samudera Indah, Kura-Kura Beach, Hang Moy, Bukit Bougenville, Chidayu
Park, Blue Lake (Danau Biru), Sinka Zoo, Sinka Island Park, Simping Island, Rindu
Alam, and so on. Among those places, beach is becoming the favourite one, I
guess. It becomes a crowded place when holidays.
Besides visiting those beautiful place, you can also enjoy the
culinary in Singkawang. You can go to Kampung Batu, Villa Bukit Mas, Taman
Sari, Kampung Rawit, Dangau Resto, Ayam Ulekan, Puja Rasa and many more. You can
go to “Pasar Hongkong” as well at night. Likewise, don’t forget to try “bubur gunting”
and “bubur tahu” in Singkawang, it is something that you can not find in other
place. You won’t regret it.
Moreover, for you those who like to shop, then you should also see
Singkawang Grand Mall. There, you can do either shopping, taking a stroll,
having karaoke, watching movie at the cinema, and so forth.
Ok guys, i think that’s the end of my thought today. Hopefully you
enjoy it. See you in the next writing. Bye.. ^^
Jumat, 02 Desember 2016
My Last Meal on Earth
Hi there, welcome back to my blog ;)
Hope you enjoy your weekend
In this chance i would like to tell you about an
interesting topic. It is about my answer would be for a question about what
would i choose for my last meal on earth.
Hmm.. quite confusing actually, but i guess i choose “salty
noodle soup” or what we call as “sop mie asin” in Indonesia. :D
Perhaps some people are not really familiar with this
kind of food ‘cause this culinary might only exist in Singkawang (My hometown).
Different with meatballs, and Tiaw noodles (mie Tiaw) which made from white
noodles, the material of salty noodle soup is essentially the same as its name
suggests, that is made from salty noodles. This soup is mostly sold in school
canteens or in small hawker stalls considering of its cheap price. Talking
about the taste, no less delicious than meatballs, especially if it is eaten
while it’s hot and served with a sprinkling of fried nuts and anchovy. Slurrpp...
Hmm.. yummy :D
What makes me choose this food is because i like it so
much especially when it is made by my mother. Until now i sometimes make it by
myself to be eaten by my family. But I guess no
one can make this food more delicious than her. This soup reminds me about my
childhood. When i was a kid, i often bought it at my school canteen in the
break time. Everytime I am back to hometown, i sometimes ask my mother to make it
for me. As yes, the taste is still the same. Not only delicious, there is genuine
affection and memories, that i can feel when i eat it. ^^
Sabtu, 26 November 2016
Dear Me..
Kid, you know who am i?
am you, yourself, talk
to you in
the age of thirty two. I can not deny that sometimes i miss being you. Playing
in the yard, studying, having no burden-mind, no drama, and so on. But somehow
you will be grateful for being me one day.
Dear, believe me that you were special. Just be yourself
and you will get good friends. When you're trying to be different to adapt, then
you will be losing
more of who you are. Always believe that you have to be a friend to yourself, and also believe that family loves you and will always love you. Those are the things that will
make your life more meaningful.
my future self..
I see you smiling, surrounded by people that you love, and with the success that you have. You're so happy. And when you suddenly recall
about me, your younger self, you will realize that I have passed the long way, you realize that I have become stronger, smarter and better person that I used to be. You remember about my struggle in achieving my dreams. And now you see that I’ve got through it. You see me who are struggling to
get the best I can do for your life someday. You are proud because I’ve been become the better me.
my future self, the most incredible thing that you have shown me is
that, "Nothing is impossible if we want to try”. You show me that we do not need to worry about the future; what we need to do is to pray, to try
and to
be grateful for what we have. And I will struggle to be you right now. :)
32 years old-self
Rabu, 16 November 2016
My karaoke song for choice
Assalamuálaikum wr. wb
Hello guys...welcome back to my blog.. how are you today? I hope you're always in healthy and feel happy.. so also with me..
On the opportunity this time, i would to tell you about my karaoke song for choice and why?
Almost everyone love karaoke and sing. So also with me. For me, singing or karaoke is consolation and can make the mind be calm. The burned of mind like a lost, a feeling of being happy. That is why singing is my hobby.
In addition to sing in the karaoke place, i always singing at my home with my family. In the day off or the weekend we always gathered at home to relax, tell each other, watch the film, make some food or karaoke.
When i will karaoke, song that i choose is the song from Raisa. I really love her voice. In addition the music and lyrics from her song is very good for me. I always can enjoy it. One of my favorite song is "Kali Kedua". This song tells about a person who back feel fell in love to someone who never loved before after had split up. There are many more again of her nice song.
So... it is a little story about my favorite song for karaoke. The music is beauty, and hopefully music can provide the inspiration and can be encouraged our life.
See you soon in my next blog ya friend's.. byee...
Assalamuálaikum wr.wb.
Selasa, 08 November 2016
My Favorite Place..
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog and I hope you don’t get bored to reading my blog. So, today I would like to tell you about my favorite place. I liked all the places. Wherever i go i can feel pleasure. I love to go to the mall, to campus, to a friend's house, shopping to the market, eating out and many more. But there is one place that i really enjoyed to go. Beach. Yes, as i tell you on my last post. I really like the beach. There, i felt calm. I feel far away from all the problems. I really enjoyed being there and i think do not want to move from there. I enjoy the sound of the waves, wind blowing, white sand and beautiful scenery. Although I love the sea but actually i can not swim, hahaha.. When i was young i had fallen and drowned in the river. Fortunately still be saved by my uncle. Since than i never again to try to swim. Although I feel traumatized by the incident, but I still like the sea and beach. That’s the story of my Favorite Place, thanks for your time to read my post. See you..
Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016
Teenage Depression
English Task - Dialogue about Teenage Depression
Hello guys, here is the dialogue about how someone responds to her friend when her friend is being experiencing problems. Happy watching..
Sorry if there is a mistake and deprivation in dialogue and this video... see you again.. byee...
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016
Clasroom Meetings Material 10 Oktober 2016
The Material classroom meetings at 10 Oktober 2016.
Today we are learn about Vocabulary. This is the story about Teenage Depression. Let's read together
to Young Minds, in a school of 1,000 pupils aged 14 -18, 50 of them
might be seriously depressed. As many as 1 in 5 could be affected at
some time. We investigate why more and more teenagers are suffering from
mental illness. A difficult time Being a teenager has always been
difficult. Emotions and moods change rapidly. Many teenagers feel
confused and afraid when the safety of childhood is left behind. These
days, experts say that things are even harder. Peter Wilson, the
Director of Young Minds, says, "We live in particularly difficult times
for a growing youngster. There are huge cultural pressures and a lot of
broken homes. Kids may have difficult relationships with parents, or in
other cases, have no one to support them."No one is happy all the time
Everyone feels unhappy, lonely or misunderstood from time to time. But a
small number of teenagers become depressed for weeks or months without
change, and they begin to find that they can't continue with their
normal lives. Many teenagers don't want to ask, or don't know how to ask
for help. Perhaps they don't even realize they are depressed. It is
usually other people - friends, parents and teachers, who identify the
symptoms of depression and offer help. One teenager explained that after
a close friend had died, "I stopped believing that anything could be
any good anymore. I became very aggressive, I snapped at my parents and I
lost touch with friends. Things were bad for me for a year until,
fortunately for me, a teacher noticed that things were wrong."If you
recognize these symptoms in yourself or a friend, there are lots of
things that can be done. You can't expect yourself, or someone else to
just 'snap out of it'. You need to find ways to cope with the feelings.
How to help yourself or someone else If you are worried about a friend,
listen to their problems and try to be sympathetic, and be patient. Most
importantly, try and help them find help. If you're feeling blue
yourself, don't panic – you need to try and understand your emotions.
You are not the first person to feel like this. Try writing things down
in a diary or talking to a friend. Perhaps writing a poem or song,
drawing a picture or listening to music will help you express and
understand your emotions. But most importantly of all, do something you
enjoy, whether it's watching TV, playing sport or just going for a walk.
Talk to someone It is a good idea for teenagers who feel depressed to
try and talk to someone they like and feel comfortable with. But if they
don't want to talk to friends and family, there are lots of people who
are there to help. They could talk to their teacher or school nurse or
maybe their doctor. Alternatively, there are telephone help lines which
give confidential help to anyone with a problem. Talking to someone
might help others to cope with how they are feeling. There is someone
who can help Sometimes, depression can become a very serious problem,
and teenagers think about trying to escape their feelings. They might
consider suicide or self injury. When the problem has got so bad,
professional help from qualified specialist counselors is vital.
Counselors are trained to talk to people about their worries and
problems. It is important to remember that everyone feels sad and
unhappy sometimes, it is natural. Remember that, no matter how bad you
feel, the feelings of sadness and happiness will come to an end.
1. Vocabulary
Broken home
a. harm that you do to yourself deliberately
To snap at someone
b. to recover quickly
To lose touch
c. a family where the parents have separated
To snap out of it
d. to deal successfully with a situation
To cope
e. to lose contact
f. a telephone advice service
Help line
g. a person professionally trained to talk to people about their problems
h. to speak to someone angrily
i. Unhappy (informal)
2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following sentences true or false)
Teenagers don't want to become adults
Teenagers often don’t know how to get helps
with their depression
Other people are usually the first to see that
you are depressed
A common symptom of teenage behavior is moody
It is easy to recover quickly from serious
Talking to a person who is depressed is a good
way to help
Telephone help lines are a private way to talk
about your problems
Anyone can be counselor
Everyone feels miserable sometimes
Some Vocabulary:
Pupils = Student
16. Notice = See = Pay attention
Suffering = Menderita
17. Recognize = Know
Rapidly = Quickly
18. Expert = hope
Expert = Ahli
19. Snap Out of it = Menghibur
Particulary = Especially
20. Cope = Akur
Huge = Big
21. Blue = sad
Cultural Pressures = Tekanan Budaya
22. Poem = Puice
Youngster = Anak muda
23. Whether = Apakah
Change = Perubahan
24. Nurse = Perawat
10. Perhaps
= Maybe = Probably
25. Confidential = secret
11. Identify
= Mengenali
26. Escape = Run Away
12. Symptoms
= Gejala
27. Suicide = Bunuh Diri
13. Snap
= Tidak akur
28. Self Injury = Menyakiti diri sendiri
14. Lost
Touch = Hilang komunikasi
29. Vital = Important = Essential
15. Fortunately
= Untungnya
30. No Matter How = Seberapa
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